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How Sketchbooking is Essential

landscape Painting Sketchbook Sketchbook outdoor Painting

Morning Everyone

Sketchbooks..... For me an absolute essential part of my everyday life. Yes that's right, they are not just about doodling, it's a way of keeping in touch with your inner voice. I find if I don't feed it it withers and dies.

So what to do in a sketchbook. the answer is simple ANYTHING you feel like, this is your chance to let rip and do just what you feel like

Try new materials collage, oil pastel, old crayons found hiding in the bottom of draws, acrylic, and watercolours can all be combined in one glorious fun and creative exercise.

Of course no one says where you have to use your sketchbook, if you are confident enough to take it outside that's great, but it can be even more rewarding just playing inside with materials.

My biggest pleasure is being outside on the moors, or in Linacre Woods. Absolute bliss. If you watched countryfile this week it came from lovely scotland, which brought back a trip I made recently to Edinborough. I went to see Joan Eardley at the scottish National Gallery. Absolutely inspiring, her work is brilliant

The point of all this is that I took a sketchbook with me on this trip and recorded my response to new sights and sounds, outside on the spot, whilst wandering around edinburgh. they were quick and immediate using materials that fit in my pocket.

Watching countryfile reminded me of this trip. Looking at my sketchbook again, it brought back the pleasure of that experience, better than any photograph would have done.

Do have a go, you can use anything literally, don't be precious in it let rip, no one has to see it only you. Your own private sanctuary in these difficult times.

Enjoy happy scketbooking

Sheila x


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